Friday, May 27, 2022

Kirinji Gate 27 + Updates on our series


Kirinji Gate is back! Now that we have finished Mudazumo Naki Kaikaku we have more time for other series again. Although that isn't the only reason. As I explained earlier, we are not very far from catching up with Japan and once we do there will be months of waiting for a new volume. So there is really no use in catching up as soon as possible. We will try to do it weekly or bi-weekly or so, to keep you interested and so we don't wait too long once we have caught up with Japan.

Regarding Shin Kuro, the next chapter is ready to be worked on, we are just waiting for our sponsor,  should be in 10 days or so ready for release! Or, as I said in the previous Shin Kuro post, if you are satisfied with our quality and itching for faster releases, any small contribution would speed it up.

Regarding Mukoubuchi, imperfectluck has gone radio silent, as soon as we get scripts from him again we will continue.

Well... That's all for now I guess. Hope you enjoy this chapter and... see you soon ;).

Who are these people?

1 comment:

  1. Oh hey, Actual litteral Daigo is here. Thanks for the chapter.
