Sunday, November 27, 2016

Tohai 17

Hey guys!

Great news! I bought myself a laptop from my first salary so now I can finally work on scanlation again!

This machine is a bit old but good enough for scanlation, so I'm happy to present you the first chapter I did on this thing!

There's another surprise around the corner, so watch out ;)!

Thanks to WhITelion and xGeo for working with me on this one,
Enjoy, see you soon!

Chapter Link



  1. Awesome news!
    Hmm, could this surprise be some fifth volume of a certain series...? :D
    Thank you for your effort guys!

  2. Really enjoyed reading another chapter of this! Will be looking forward to the other surprise as well.

    Character development-wise, it's interesting that this chapter positioned Amina as against K's continuation to gamble. I wonder how that will affect her role in the series.

  3. Dear Simon, This Thanksgiving I give thanks to you and all the work you and your scanlation team do. Without you guys I would have never discovered some really amazing manga. Do you guys have a facebook for your scanlations?

    1. Thanks for the kind words, glad you enjow our work. As of a facebook page for our group, not yet, we didn't feel we had a big enough following to warrant a facebook page. Might change that soon when we increase our chapter output again and we get more relevant.

  4. Wohoo,
    great to hear from you.
    Maybe well meet at some mahjong tournament in prague/bratislava or vienna !

    1. I would love to join a tournament, but I'm afraid I'm not good enough with real tiles yet. Maybe I'll order a riichi mahjong set and practice by myself before attending a real tournament. See you there!

    2. There are a people in prague and in brno that have loose meetings. i guess you could reach out to them if you are interested in playing with real tiles.

  5. Congratulations - great to hear that you're doing well mate!
