Did you forget we also did Koizumi? Well, don't forget it! This is the start of Volume 11! This chapter was actually 2 weeks in the making, xGeo was too busy with real life, but hopefully now we can do more frequent Koizumi releases. As of Kirinji, I'm still recovering and writing the analysis.
Thanks to xGeo and WhITelion for various job (I'm not sure who does what anymore, my brain not gud)!
Chapter Link
In this chapter Guzman makes a recovery and we learn more about his background. He was a professor? Wow. Alright I already knew from reading up on Sendoro Luminoso as I was translating, but to most people it should come as quite the surprise!
How can an intellectual man become so evil as to murder thousands of people. Remember, this is real life, not fiction. Dalai Lama says it's Maoism that corrupts the intellect.
I guess any extremist ideology is dangerous in a similar way. I'm just surprised how much I'm learning from the same series that had Super Aryan Hitler playing mahjong against ASIMO on the moon...
HAHAHA this was a great chapter! Looking forward to more Koizumi :)