Friday, December 29, 2023

Kirinji Gate 50

Hello dears,

I am happy to present you with the last chapter of Kirinji Gate Volume 7.

I wanted this chapter out before the end of the year, before new years, because of the contents of the chapter. I hope some of you will get it.

One more volume to go. I will take another break until next week, and then let's start off 2024 with the final volume of Kirinji Gate, may it bring us all luck and good fortune in the following year.

Thanks to the patrons as always, thanks for reading, wish you all a good start in the next year.

Stay strong, let's positive thinking, love you all.

I like that hat actually, and Kanon's ribbon is <3

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Kirinji Gate 49


Welcome back, hope you enjoyed the holidays, and just as promised, here is another Kirinji Gate chapter!

I also started my own translation commentary on the whole Tetsunaki no Kirinji series.

That's part one, and I plan on covering all of the series once I am done with Kirinji Gate. No one has talked seriously on camera about the series before, so I feel some responsibility there, considering how much I love the series.

So... That's it for now. Hope you enjoy, see you soon.

Finally, a normal chapter title.

Friday, December 22, 2023

Kirinji Gate 48

Hello!... Again!

I am sorry for spamming you guys with Kirinji Gate chapters.

I am trying to stop myself, but I am addicted to the story, art, characters, theme, message, mahjong and everything about it. It is a problem.

I am going to Kirinji Gate rehab during Christmas, will be back next week.

You guys enjoy Christmas, stay positive, spread love, if you are bored while waiting for the Finale, I suggest rereading the series, at least from Kabukichou Seiatsu Hen, because it's all coming together now.

Thanks to Caitaokweh, thanks to the patreons, if you win the lottery or find a fortune or your bitty crypty coins suddenly spike, don't forget ol' struggling Rinshy-chan and remember that donate button, (we only made 12eur so far) I promise my e-begging will stop in 2024, my next job should be a stable one, where you can't get fired without notice.. finally... for once in my life. 
Or just hook me up with some remote work, I am a EU resident now.
Sorry for personal stuff, feel really bad about it, wouldn't do it if I had a choice! Love you all!

That said, enjoy the chapter, enjoy the holidays, see you soon :)

One thing I miss about old Kirinji... The 1st page of the chapter wouldn't be a spoiler >_>,

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Kirinji Gate 47

Good evening!

Yes, we are doing it! Another Kirinji Gate chapter!

This series brings back so many memories to me, I am getting emotionally involved again. No worries, that can only increase the effort I put into it!

Thanks to Caitao Kweh for the proofread and the patreons.

Hope you enjoy the chapter, stay strong and see you soon :).

That TV is huge.. and nice... I don't even have a TV...

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Kirinji Gate 46

Hey there!

Happy to say, another Kirinji Gate chapter today!

And yeah, I'm still reflecting on the series, like yesterday.

8 years man, 8 years.

And it's not like I was just lazy about it, it was only a few months ago that the series was fully scanlatable. I'm so happy to be the one to finish the series.

What a journey. 8 years ago I really didn't think I'd be alive today. 
Life is truly... magical. Thanks to the patroens and thanks to James for the €2 tip!

Hope you enjoy the chapter and see you soon :)!

I never thought a burn victim could look this cool.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Kirinji Gate 45

Good morning!

Happy to present you with another chapter of Kirinji Gate!

My mind was blown the other day when I checked and saw that we released the first Tetsunaki no Kirinji chapter on October 8th of 2015, on this very blog. The post is still there. That's more than 8 years. Kirinji has been part of my life for more than 8 years and it's almost... complete.

Wow. I don't know what to say about that. Yet. Thanks to Caitao Kweh for the proofread and the patreons. 

Hope you enjoy the chapter, see you soon :).

I wonder if they were posing for those rep-player head-shots. Hmmm.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Kirinji Gate 44

Hello everyone!

We are finally starting a new volume of Kirinji Gate. The end of the journey is not far.

I liked this chapter a lot, it seems like all the different plots are converging into one final showdown.
I'm sure Kirinji Gate is not gonna disappoint us.

That said, thanks to Caitao Kweh for the proofread, special thanks to Dave for the €10!

That's it for now, hope I will find some cheap coffee to push me through this final stretch!

Hope you enjoy the chapter, see you soon.

Kiriya Rinji in Kirinji Gate!?!?

Monday, December 11, 2023

Shin Kurosawa - Saikyou Densetsu Special


This has been long due, we apologize if anyone felt "Kuro Dry" in the past two months. At least we make up for our delays, so please enjoy a sweet triple release.

This part was the most fun to translate in Shin Kurosawa so far, for me personally. As you might know, I am a huge original Kurosawa fan, and it feels as if the series is going back to its roots. It made me genuinely laugh, in a way that only Kurosawa can make me laugh.

This is all possible thanks to Portal, Davigdor and the patreons. Thank you guys so much!

And again, thanks to Andy, the only person to throw us a tip over for Christmas, that 1 Euro donation brightened up our days! Thank you again so much! You're the only one Andy! Appreciated!

Hope you enjoy, see you soon :).

Tsk tsk tsk, Koinosuke calling his loyal followers and true friends a "Cult".

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Kirinji Gate 43

Hello again!

I love this chapter so much, it feels rewarding translating it. The fact that it might brighten up someone's day, or inspire any hope in anyone is more worth to me than any money in the world.

But yeah Christmas is coming and I would like to buy some gifts, it seems bank robbery is the only solution. Believe in me, I can do it!!! 

Special thanks to Andy for the 1 Euro donation. 

Hope you enjoy and thanks to all the patreons!

I once said "Ohayou Gozaimasu" to a Chinese person. I still cringe to this day about it.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Kirinji Gate 42


Another day, another Kirinji Gate... Another day with no donations. Not a single penny.

Thanks to the patreons only. 


Friday, December 8, 2023

Kirinji Gate 41

Hey friends!

Another day, and another chance for happiness!

So far so good, two chapters in two days. At this point I would like to share a little story I wrote myself.

The Middle-aged Man and the Sea

Sandaigo, as a child, learned how to fish from his old father. He was able to feed himself independently for a while. His father was much older than him, having Sandaigo quite late in his live. Accordingly, the father's methods were much older and less efficient than the current standards of the industry, but Sandaigo was a modest man, "As long as I can catch fish to survive, I will at least not starve! I'm happy with just that!". 

As Sandaigo was getting older he realized that surviving is not all there is to life. But he couldn't catch enough fish with his father's method. Sandaigo decided to catch enough fish to not only survive, but strive! With new-found inspiration and motivation, Sandaigo heads to the city, to learn new, more efficient methods.

As Sandaigo went to the city, he realized that technology and society have gotten quite advanced in the last years, during which he only focused on surviving with his old father's methods. It felt as if he missed out. As he saw a younger man getting out of an expensive car, flashing off his wealth, Sandaigo mustered the courage to go and just ask him straight out "I want to be as successful as you, please teach me your ways!".

The younger man looked at Sandaigo... A curious display for the young man, almost as if he was looking at a living artifact. "Yooo, aight, no problem dude, which crypto u trading brah?". Sandaigo didn't understand. It was as if the young man was speaking a foreign language.

"Sir! I see you are a scholar, speaking fancy words and foreign tongues! I am but a humble fisherman! Please search your kind heart to give me enough fish so that I don't have to go fishing for a few days and I can earnestly study your methods!"

The young man looked at Sandaigo in disgust. "Fish? Ayyy, this dude likes killing innocent animals, stand still brah gotta take ur photo and share on social media so people kno who U R!".

Sandaigo didn't understand the young man's words, but he understood that he is not welcome on this planet anymore. Sandaigo didn't fish anymore. In fact, Sandaigo didn't live anymore, he hanged himself that night in his lonely cabin, and the whole world celebrated.

The end.

Alriiiiight, that's it, hope you enjoy the chapter! Thanks to the patreons, I tested the donation button, it should still work, maybe not, who knows, see you soon with more chapters :'-).

And special thanks to Caitao Kweh for off-duty proof-reading.


Thursday, December 7, 2023

Kirinji Gate 40

Hello everyone,

I hope you are doing well. 

I think it's time to finish Kirinji Gate. I like December, it's my favorite month.
It brings back memories from 2016 and the "Tetsunaki no Kirinji" marathon.

Reflecting on my life, I realize how much impact this series and scanlation had on it.
I am gonna try my best to finish the series in a timely manner, with the quality standards I have set to myself regarding Kirinji.

Let's start with Chapter 40, wish me luck, thanks to the patreons, and consider donating a buck or two, still scraping by, my brain is too old to make it in crypto and I'd love to buy some nice gifts for Christmas :).

Thanks and enjoy!

This series gets too real too often.