Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Kirinji Gate 34

Greetings everyone!

As you might have noticed, we were on a bit of a hiatus, as I was moving to another country. But now that I have settled in, we are back with a new Kirinji Gate chapter!

I will still be busy for a while, but we will release chapters again, at a slower pace. Next is Shin Kuro on the list. And yeah... still no news on the next Kirinji Gate volume unfortunately.

That's it for now, hope you enjoy the chapter and... see you soon ;).


Thursday, August 11, 2022

Shin Kurosawa - Saikyou Densetsu 70

Hey everyone!

As promised, here is a new Shin Kuro chapter! And as always, big thanks to Portal and EscarBOOM, for making this possible!

The surprise I promised in the last post is still coming, I was busy with bureaucracy the last few days. 

Some other news are coming, my life is changing, but no worries, chapters will keep being released. Thanks to everyone who supported us over the years.

Hope you enjoy this chapter, and see you very soon :).


Sunday, August 7, 2022

Kirinji Gate 33


Another Kirinji Gate this Sunday! Still no news about the volume 7 release date in Japan, but I got some Lion's Ridge news at least.

There will be a surprise next week, I have been working on something in the shadows, hope you will like it once we release it. It's another Mahjong manga, one which is kind of unknown, but has a bit of a twist and I consider it a hidden gem. Hope you will like it!

That is also the reason why Mukoubuchi will be slow for a while, as I focus on that other project. And finally, the next Shin Kurosawa will also come out within the next week, so look forward to that as well.

That's all for today. I hope you enjoy the chapter, and... see you soon ;).

He has a beautiful singing voice.