A new Shin Kurosawa chapter today! To be honest with you, I wasn't that interested at the beginning, but this arc seems to be actually really good, and working on it feels good. I don't want to spoil anything, I just can't wait to release the next few chapters. Only spoiler I can/will share is: I personally love it and it reminds me of classic Kurosawa.
Tons of thanks to ThePortalNinja, who did a great job redrawing and typesetting, and to EscarBOOM for supporting us doing this. If you want faster Shin Kuro releases, we can do it faster, but we gotta also pay bills and eat so consider throwing us a bone either through patreon or paypal. I promise any contribution will make us work faster!
And that's it for now my friends, hope you enjoy the chapter... and see you soon ;).
Kuro preparing for the moment of truth.