Monday, September 16, 2024

Shin Kurosawa - Saikyou Densetsu 92 & 93

Sorry for the big break we took, bad timing for all of us in the team. Long story short, I am legal now. I am a legal human bean, finally.
Of course Lion's Ridge continues and perseveres. Today, we present you a Shin Kuro double release. We will try to make up for the months of inactivity. Thanks to the team and the patreons for making this possible.

Without further ado, hope you enjoy, see you soon.

Chapter Title "Wiles" is a reference to Dr. Wily, or better known as "Dr. Wahwee"

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Shin Kurosawa - Saikyou Densetsu 91

Hi folks!

Happy Easter holidays!

I'm glad to present you with another Shin Kurosawa chapter! Sorry for the delay, we will make up for it, like always. I am preparing a surprise for mahjong manga fans ;).

Thanks to Portal, Davigdor and the patrons for supporting us.

Hope you enjoy, see you soon :).
The Talk.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Muteki no Hito 18


Today we present you with another Muteki no Hito chapter, thanks to all the beautiful people in the credits page. This one is a true team effort.

It is an interesting contrast to other mahjong manga, because here it's more about the psychology than the actual moves and strategies of Riichi Mahjong. Hopefully the next chapter will be a bit faster out.

Portal has this to say:
Surprise! It's been a while, huh? One last Muteki here before I go ahead and soft-drop it for now. Please DM me on Discord at "theportalninja" or find me through our Discord server if you're a good typesetter and I can provide you with scripts through our translators. Otherwise, if anyone wants to continue this, be my guest. I'm focusing only on Nikaidou Hell Golf and Shin Kurosawa for the time being so I don't have a lot of time to typeset this series anymore... sorry about that. Worst case scenario I'll come back for it eventually.

In other news, just a heads up, I am working on a new project now that Kirinji is done, hope you will like it when it's ready.

That said, hope you enjoy, see you soon :).

Manga Mahjong Crash Courses are cute.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Kirinji Gate Finale


So the day has come. If someone told me more than 8 years ago when we released this:

That I would live to the day where Kirinji would end, AND be the one to finish it as well, I would have laughed at the ridiculousness of such a claim.

But here I am. And that's why I love Kirinji so much and why it is and always will be part of me.

I couldn't have imagined the future ahead of me, it was a very dark and hopeless spot I was in, but the beauty in both life, and mahjong, is that you cannot know what is going to come and you cannot predict the future. So no matter how hopeless and dark the future looks, you don't know. You can't know. I am living proof of that.

The same way Rinji proved that just by struggling, new paths will open, somehow they will, I struggled my way too, to a brighter future. That is why I feel so emotional writing all of this.

Instead of writing a wall of text about how I feel, I'll continue the Tetsunaki no Kirinji commentary I started on youtube. No one reads walls of text nowadays anymore, the attention span just isn't there. So I will give all of my thoughts on the whole series in the coming videos.

Regarding the future of Lion's Ridge, I will continue translating. Which series, how frequent, I don't know yet. You'll know as soon as I think it all through.

One thing I have to say and get off my chest is: Thank you to every single one of you who read my translations, it not only meant the world to me when I was a lonely shut-in in a 3rd world country, but some of you also financially supported me in times I really couldn't even pay my bills. No exaggeration, I was in that desperate of a situation. I owe my life to you guys. I love you all forever.

From my lowest point back then to now, I struggled by working as a waiter, working on a cruise ship, working in call centers, cleaning raccoon shit from people's attics for a few bucks, giving math lessons to kids for 5 dollars a day, sold anything of value I had to pay the next bills, stealing food from company parties, shoplifting a few times until I got caught, rummaged through trash a few times to find food, picked up half smoked cigarettes from the ground to salvage the tobacco at home... But hey... It was all worth it.

Because I am a happily married man today with a relatively stable life.

Thank you all, again, and forever, also to manga in general and the author of Kirinji: Uhyosuke. Please support his official releases as well.

Whoa, didn't want to write this much. That's enough! I- I'm not crying, s- something fell into my eye.

Hope you enjoy... Thank you and see you soon :).

It's not as bad as I feared, it is bittersweet.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Kirinji Gate 56

Good morning/afternoon/evening/middle of the night!

It feels so unreal to me that this is the second to last Kirinji update post I might ever write. For a series which had such an impact on my life, which I am so intimate with, to just end like this...

Without another Kirinji chapter waiting for me to translate and release... I don't know how I will feel. This series has been with me for more than 8 years at this point, followed me from my lowest point in life to a point in my life where I finally feel safe and secure.

Reading this chapter I am very, very confident that the author planned a very in-depth and revealing past for Majin, where we would see that he, just like Kiriya, was a poor father who decided to try making money through mahjong for his wife and daughter.

We'll never know. I can already feel some kind of phantom pain. But I am trying to think positively about it. Translating this series over 8 years and releasing every single chapter on this blog, I at least have some kind of public pseudo-diary where I can always go back to some old blog post and kinda figure out what was happening in my life at that point when I released that particular chapter.

I am also trying to find to find solace in the fact that this ending is the ending which was imagined by the author many years ago and has been hinted at from the very first series... Even if criminally shortened.

With that, I hope you enjoy. See you soon.

Whoever said in IRC 8 years ago that there's a supernatural element to the series... You were right. Good job.

Friday, January 19, 2024

Shin Kurosawa - Saikyou Densetsu 89 & 90 + Kirinji Gate 55


Now this one has to make the Kuro fans happy, the Kirinji fans happy and the both Kuro and Kirinji fans super happy! All three of you!

But only... if the chapters don't suck! Well, I hope they don't! I hope you enjoy! Me, personally, I love them! Well, I wish this Kirinji Gate chapter was a whole volume instead of a single chapter, but... hey... The spirit is there.

Thanks to Portal, Davigdor, Caitao and the patrons!

See you soon.

Now these are two very different drawing styles.

Monday, January 15, 2024

Kirinji Gate 54

Hey folks!

Happy to present you with another Kirinji Gate chapter!

You will notice this volume is very wordy, and every chapter is so dense, every frame, full of action. This was obviously meant to be told over many more chapters. I guess the plan was to have at least 2-3 more volumes for this match alone.

Well, I am still happy we get the story to end as planned, with all the key points being told, even if very briefly.

Hope you enjoy the chapter, see you soon :).

Ahhh... Three Monkeys... That brings back memories...

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Kirinji Gate 53


I don't feel good to be honest, I have nothing to say.

Hope you enjoy the chapter, see you soon.

I wish I could afford a Kotatsu.